Intro blog
Hello readers,
My name is Amber Weir and this will be my first blog I do hope you enjoy and feel like I’ve given you a great first impression. My first published work ‘Silver Linings’ had been a long time coming. I was in middle school when I first started writing. I wrote poetry every day and created a story. In middle school I assure you I did not have it all figured out. What eventually became a completed poetry book took about twelve years to start editing and another ten years to get the confidence to publish it. ‘Silver Linings’ had to be a dedicated book to what started it all for me.
The story almost made it into a news paper but then it would not be part of the story I’ve grown it into now. Time had its way with the aging of the work I’ve done but never withdrew the creations I had begun. I didn’t give them up after deciding that the words or methods I used were not mature and well crafted. Truth is I looked at the writing all them time and made subtle changes as I learned.
The loss of my Aunt just before middle school, the churning emotions that becoming a teenager meant, and the level of empathy and understanding forming due to the lifestyle of my upbringing made my poetry while personal all that more important to pass on. Sometimes being born with a visual impairment is as much a blessing now as it was a curse then. The choices made for me vs the ones I made for myself found a way to be portrayed in hopes of touching anyone.
Throughout my journey to further my stories and publish more works I want to challenge myself, write my thoughts, and be open to sharing outside of books and arts. I accept any questions and conversations despite not being well known yet i know the kind of person i was expressing in my poems. A person willing to be a helping hand in hard times and encourage others to never turn back from a person struggling with their troubles, burdens, or emotions.
If you find this blog in a search for answers this is my voice but I can be an ear if needed.
My ebook on Amazon! Also now an easy to follow my profile link.
Kindly sharing for you
Amber weir